Confidence and Harley Race
posted ORIGINALLY: Oct 15th 2014 By: Latin Thunder
Confidence. Man it sounds so easy but that's a tough thing to keep in wrestling at times.
I mean, who can disagree that in order for a performer to succeed in pro wrestling they need confidence?
Problem is many of us who get involved in wrestling have insecurity issues to begin with.
When I talked with the great Nick Bockwinkle about former AWA wrestler and Minnesota Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Bockwinkel chuckled. "Bodybuilders, So thinned skin." Add the psyche of your average wrestler who spends a lot of time in the gym and you exasperate insecurities.
The inventor of the Nautilus system Arthur Jones called bodybuilders "little boys in gorilla suits." There's a lot of truth in that. I know.
But probably the biggest factor for breaking down my confidence was when someone doesn't think your that good.
When I was starting out in wrestling I began to gain a little momentum. I had some good matches for a promoter who believed in me and liked me, Dan Adams. I got a lot of bookings from Dan in Kansas and Missouri and gained valuable experience. My confidence also grew as he always wanted me on his cards.
After some time I put a tape together and hoped to get booked by the biggest living legend involved in the Midwest Indy scene in the late 90's, Harley race.
ONE DAY I CAME HOME FROM WORK TO HEAR A MESSAGE ON MY ANSWERING MACHING. IT WAS THE GRAVELLY VOICE OF THE SEVEN TIME former N.W.A. World Heavyweight Champion. And one of the greatest of all time. I thought Harley was simply the best wrestler in the world from about 1977 to 1981. He was also one of the best bump takers ever. AND THAT DAY HE OFFERED ME THREE BOOKINGS.
Dusty Rhodes when asked about all the world champions in his era, including Ric Flair, said simply, "I thought Harley was the best."
Harley booked me for his new Indy promotion WLW. Working for Harley at that time was the best spot for a Midwest Indy wrestler. I had some good matches for Harley including a tag with Chuck Palumbo as my partner against Griz and The Barbarian.
But after a while Harley didn't book me as much as I hoped. He thought I was a good guy and all but he didn't think my abilities were as good as others in his locker room.
Maybe he was right.
Regardless, it was his company and the guys he booked were all talented wrestlers, well trained and good in the ring. I certainly had a lot of improving to do as a performer.
I was boring. My gear sucked. I had no star power.
But my point to this blog is about something bigger than a booking or two. Its not a gripe against one of the legends of our sport. I've certainly passed on talent before as a promotor and was wrong.
Its about confidence. its easy to say " a wrestler needs to have confidence in himself!"
But how do you keep that confidence when the greatest wrestler of his time doesn't think your that good?
I mean who are you to say Harley Race is wrong?
Tough isn't it?
Yet that's what is required out of the wrestler. Because if you don't have confidence you don't got shit in that ring.
Colt Cabana talks on his podcast about being down in Florida developmental and performing in front of some of his heroes. Legends, great minds such as Dusty Rhodes.
He also talks about how hard it is when one of your heroes doesn't see your talent.
Doesn't get you. Doesn't think your that good frankly.
What do you do when Dusty Rhodes thinks your not that good? You know, Dusty Rhodes, one of the greatest stars in history. One of the best judges of talent. The man who booked Jim Crockett promotions when it was on fire.
I think that's the true test of confidence. And it isn't easy. Cabana has showed the world the past several years many people were wrong about him.
Its easy to be confident when someone you don't think highly of thinks your the drizzling shits. But when someone you truly admire thinks your just o.k. or that you suck you have to have the awareness to look in the mirror and see what you need to improve.
Then you have to have the confidence to say their wrong. Maybe their right about you the wrestler today.... but their wrong about you.
Take that chip on your shoulder, take that feeling you got when you were punched in the gut and do something about it.
Get better. Then show yourself they were wrong about you.
Latin Thunder